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the Manchego,


all over the world

Into the La Mancha region

Cheesemakers Vega Mancha are specialised in the production of the tasteful Manchego PDO Semi- Curado or Viejo – a cheese from the milk of sheep of the ‘Manchega’ breed, with a light spicy or salty taste. This famous cheese is delicious with ‘carne de membrillo’ - quince paste -, or ‘pan de Higo’ – fig cake ! Vega Manche produces also many other famous Spanish goat and sheep cheeses.

The secret of quality

The sheep of the region La Mancha feeds on a very wild vegetation typical of rough climates. This climate and the feed of the sheep cultivate an enjoyable taste that cannot be reproduced elsewhere.


Manchego curado 5-6M DOP
Queso de oveja trufado
Queso de oveja con ajo negro
Queso de oveja trufado
Tortas Andres Gavino


Manchego anejo 10-12M DOP
Manchego curado 6M DOP
Oveja al Romero
Queso de Murcia al Vino DOP
Capricio de Cabra Finas Herbas

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