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With respect

for the original flavours

of the duck liver

Nature to taste

La Quercynoise is an agro-alimentary cooperative – a group of more than 193 producers of fat ducks from the Lot region. All proud of their craft and full of respect for the tradition of the Southwest France, the cooperation produces with passion conserves, duck liver, confit de canard, magret de canard and other gastronomic products labelled Maîstres Occitans and Clos Saint Sozy.

The secret of quality

The ducks are certified IGP Southwest France, this guaranties a production that follows the rules of art – breeding, slaughter and processing in the Southwest France. This will give you an idea of quality : 35 medals on the Concours Général Agricole de Paris since the start of the cooperation


Foie Gras de canard entier du Sud-Ouest IGP 130g
Foie Gras de canard entier du Sud-Ouest IGP cuit au torchon 220g
Foie Gras de canard entier du Sud-Ouest IGP mi-cuit 170g
Foie Gras de canard entier du Sud-Ouest IGP mi-cuit
Bloc de Foie gras de canard au sel de Guerande 110g
Duo Bloc de foie gras de canard du Sud-Ouest IGP mi-cuit 80g
Magret de canard du Sud-Ouest IGP fumé au bois de hêtre
Magret de canard du Sud-Ouest IGP
Cuisse de canard
Farce festive au foie gras et aux morilles

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